
Showing posts from July, 2019

Season 2: Veteran Edition (Week 5 - Here's What You Missed)

[Due to a technical malfunction, a large amount of audio for footage pertaining to Week 5 - Part 2 has since been lost. Please enjoy what is to come - a previously on, of sorts, and next's Week 6]  Week 5 - Part 2  And here's what you missed on Two Houses... Mysti had a nightmare that terrified her...the thought left her panicking...and she spent the day mourning, sorrowful...the nightmare was quite horrific indeed.  It weighed heavy on Mysti.  She worried the nightmare would come true.  She would risk everything to be sure it would not.  In the morning, first to wake after her, Ben attempted to settle her woes and clear her head - that she wouldn't kill, that she wouldn't fall off the edge of balance and decide for wrong over right...but Mysti told him she did not trust him enough to believe he was telling her the truth.... Mysti: I don't want to harm them...I don't want to be responsible,